The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development, Public Private Partnership, corporate strategies, transport and tourism development, etc.The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation
FOC operates in key industries: energy, transport, tourism, engineering, agriculture, utilities, chemical industry, metallurgy and ore complex, forestry, building materials industry.
The Сompany employs more than 50 professionals, including 20 doctors and candidates of sciences.
The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development
The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development
109544, Russia, Moscow, 17 B. Andronyevskaya, business center «Andronyevsky»
phone / Fax: (495) 232-43-14