
Financial and organizational consulting

The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development

About us

The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development, Public Private Partnership, corporate strategies, transport and tourism development, etc.The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation

FOC operates in key industries: energy, transport, tourism, engineering, agriculture, utilities, chemical industry, metallurgy and ore complex, forestry, building materials industry.

The Сompany employs more than 50 professionals, including 20 doctors and candidates of sciences.



The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development



The Company has realized more than 400 projects in such spheres as strategies, regional development, substantiation for investment, urban planning, innovation development

Areas of activities

Regional development
Since 2001, we have implemented more than 200 projects aimed at forming strategic directions for the development of regions and municipalities and creating conditions for attracting investment in more than 50 regions of the Russian Federation.
Innovative development & IT
At the moment, a number of public and private development institutions have been created to promote innovation. These include RUSNANO, Russian venture company, venture funds, technology parks, and Federal and regional innovation development programs.
Corporate development and investment
Attracting financing for investment projects never loses its relevance, only the desired forms and sources of attracted investment change: attracting strategic private investors, debt financing, state support (budget co-financing).
Urban environment
We contribute to the implementation of National projects in Russia to create a comfortable urban environment
Urban planning and design
Urban planning is one of the areas of the company FOK (Financial and organizational consulting), in which high-quality development of urban planning documentation is carried out on an operational basis: from the development of territorial planning documents, urban zoning to architectural and construction design.
Tourism development
Our experience of working on the problems of tourism in the regions allows us to conclude that currently tourism, due to its specific impact on the economy, can become one of the key factors in accelerating the socio-economic development of the region.
Point of growth
An important and relevant component of the master plan for Russian cities is the development of proposals for the development of the urban environment. As part of the master plan, both General priorities for urban improvement are defined, and several key urban areas are worked out.
Transport development
Transport is the most important part of the Russian economy, and its modernization is one of the priority tasks of state activity. A necessary condition for the socio-economic development of the country, strengthening its territorial integrity, and improving the standard of living of the population is to improve the transport infrastructure: increase the availability of transport services; increase the productivity and profitability of transport systems; reduce transport costs; and increase the competitiveness of national carriers.
Public-private partnership
Public-private partnership (PPP), which is a legally formalized mutually beneficial cooperation between public authorities and the private sector, aimed at solving problems of important state and public importance, is currently becoming increasingly relevant and covers new areas of public relations.
Environmental consulting and engineering services
The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of environmental development is to solve socio-economic problems that ensure environmentally oriented economic growth, the preservation of a favorable environment, biological diversity and natural resources to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Organization of business events
FOK offers a full range of services for professional organization and holding of forums, conferences and round tables.Extensive practical experience in organizing round tables and conferences allows you to professionally and efficiently approach the tasks set and ensure that business events are held at the highest level. The company has held dozens of conferences and round tables on public-private partnerships, special economic zones, tourism development, housing and utilities, restructuring, real estate investment, innovation and R & d, and franchising.

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109544, Russia, Moscow, 17 B. Andronyevskaya, business center «Andronyevsky»
phone / Fax: (495) 232-43-14
e-mail: office@foconsult.ru